Restore your colon’s natural function and tone for optimal health.


Optimal wellness depends on your body’s ability to effectively process food and to eliminate bodily waste. The five drainage pathways in the body are the colon, kidneys, skin, lungs, and uterus. These elimination pathways are considered your body’s natural organs of detoxification. 

The large intestine (or colon) – a muscular tube approximately 5 feet in length – is an essential organ that eliminates toxins and metabolic waste through a bowel movement. The main functions of the colon are the absorption of water and minerals AND the formation and elimination of bowel through peristalsis. It is home to your microbiome which includes healthy bacteria that supports good digestion, promotes vital nutrient production, help to maintain pH balance, promote immune health, and prevent overgrown of harmful bacteria. 

A healthy colon means 1 to 3 good-sized bowel movements per day with a transition time from ingestion of food to elimination of 12 to 24 hours. Due to modern lifestyles that include stress, dehydration, alcohol, less than ideal food choices, lack of exercise, environmental toxins, and certain medication, your colon may not be eliminating waste effectively, leading to impacted waste and constipation.

This built up waste and gases can stretch out the colon’s natural shape, further affecting peristalsis (or movement.) This slowed motility can lead to a whole host of digestive issues like gas, bloating, and indigestion. Slow motility also leads to infrequent bowel movements, creating a back up of toxic by-products in the colon. A process called “autointoxication” can then take place where these toxic substances can leak back into the circulatory system to recirculate throughout the body.

Colon Hydrotherapy is a very safe, low-impact treatment to gently remove impacted waste and accumulated toxic build up in the colon. Colonics hydrate the bowels, help tone the bowels, and help bring the colon back to its natural shape and function.

digestive tract and colon hydrotherapy

What to expect

My approach to colonics is gentle, and my goal is to provide an environment where clients feel safe, warm, and relaxed.

Your first colon hydrotherapy appointment will start with a health consultation. We will review your medical history form and discuss any specific health concerns you have. 

The colonic will be performed in less than one hour, in a private room with a private restroom.

Warm filtered water is introduced into your colon through a small, disposable tube called a speculum. You’ll feel slight pressure as the water fills your colon and a lightness as it empties. This process is repeated several times throughout the session. Gentle belly massage and guided relaxation/breathing techniques are also part of the process.

Before you leave we’ll discuss your results and your recommended care plan. You can return to your regular activities after leaving the office.

Colon pressure and water temperature are carefully monitored throughout the session, and waste is removed through a closed, auto-disinfectant system without any mess or odor. You’ll be able use the private restroom after your session to ensure no waste remains.


90-Minute New Client Colon Hydrotherapy Appointment

Initial health consultation + colonic

60-Minute Colon Hydrotherapy Appointment

Regular colonic session

Advanced Detox Colon Hydrotherapy Plus Coffee Enema Appointment

Advanced detox session. Combine a colonic with an organic, mold-free coffee enema for the ultimate colon and liver detox.

Introductory Colon Hydrotherapy Package

Great intro package for newbies. Includes initial 90 minute consult + colonic and 2 follow up colonic sessions. It is recommended to do sessions as close together as possible to get the most benefits. (Save 10%)

3 Colonic Package

Schedule 3 colon hydrotherapy sessions close together to get the full experience of internal cleansing. Great way to kickstart your health. It is recommended to do the sessions as close together as possible. (Save 10%)

6 Colonic Package

Invest in yourself + elevate your self care. Perfect way to save $ for those who value regular colonics and clients who are on a health journey and already know they need a deeper detox. . (Save 15%)

10 Colonic Package

Best deal for people dedicated to internal cleansing. This is a great package for sharing with family members and is the only packages able to be shared. (Save 20%)


My goal is to provide high-quality services in a timely manner. In order to do so, I have a very strict cancellation/rescheduling policy. This policy enables me to better utilize all available appointment times and client requests. It is also a professional policy designed to create the high level of mutual respect and personal responsibility necessary for healing and transformative work.

Packages of 3 and 6 colonics are good for 12 months from date of purchase. Packages of 10 are good for 24 months from date of purchase. (Only packages of 10 can be shared with family and friends.)

Please review my OFFICE POLICIES to learn more about my practice and to be familiar with my cancellation policy before you make an appointment.


Are you ready to start your journey to a healthier life, or still wondering if colon hydrotherapy is right for you? I’m always happy to answer any question you may have.

For safety reasons, online booking is not available.


or leave a message in the contact form. Please include your telephone number in your message as I require a telephone conversation before booking an appointment.



25 Daniel Brooke Drive Asheville, NC 28806

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